Life and Love: A Castle Inside of Your Mind and Your Heart.
You can build it according to the beauty that you interpret.

Right now, as I’m typing this story, I’m listening to She’s the One, a song by Robbie Williams, and after I watched the movie called “A Castle for Christmas”. An idea occurred for me to share the story about life and love.
It may sound classic and familiar that life and love are related — or it may be for some that they are unrelated; like life has its essence and love has a different meaning. At this time, I want to share my point of view on what a life filled with love is, and whether it can happen; Or does something like that only exist in fairy tales where the final story has already been determined.
Everyone must interpret life and love in their way. Most interpret these two things according to the journey they meet; or the experiences he or they had, which could be happy or sad. Like me, I can interpret that life and love are two components that become one unit, where there is love, there must be life. And where we live, the journey must be accompanied by love.
One of the life and love stories that I want to share here is living in love and realizing the little things. Speaking of life, I’m currently gathering crumbs of blessings that I didn’t realize before. The more I collect, the more full my basket will be with blessings that I was not aware of before. I wonder, where have I been all this time? How far and how fast can I travel that I don’t realize the many little joys I could enjoy at any moment? What kind of life goals do I want to pursue? What accomplishments form the basis of a happy standard in my life? And there are many more abstract questions that just pop up.
I understood that the question was one of my surprises at the many blessings I had found. Starting from I can live healthy until now, I enjoy living in the suburbs and the air is so fresh that I can enjoy the cool mornings, I can very easily get fresh food that has just been harvested or picked by farmers, I can write this story while sitting with my niece who always wants to take me out for walks when I visit her, and many more.
I can call it: mindfulness about life.
When I tell this, I’m in full awareness that no matter how big and no matter how hard the problems I face, I can still live my life with full of love. There are times when I cry over bad things that happen to me. There are times when I get angry and complain that things are not going according to plan. In the past, I would vent my bad feelings on something, or I would run as far as possible to avoid the problem I was in — which didn’t solve the problem at all. The older I got the more I realized that there was a mistake in this process. And I found that the error was “the way I see the problem itself”. From then on, I tried to find answers first to the problems I was facing, why I was sad and why I was angry. I discovered that I was being controlled by sadness and anger, not that I was in control of the feelings of sadness and anger themselves. Behind the jumble of feelings, questions, and what action should be taken, I found the short answer:
“Change your focus first, then life will change.”
I use those words to change my point of view and find a wider answer that I can choose from. Consciously, I change everything that happens in my life with something positive and — full of love. I decided to build love over my life and all that was involved. When I encounter such a bad thing, I choose to consciously face it while telling myself “it doesn’t matter if this happened, there must be a good reason”. I put love on the incident and faced it until it finished with a heart full of good hopes. With this way of focus, no matter how heavy and difficult the problem that I faced, they felt very light and easy to resolve.
If you can easily deal with bad things that happen, then surely you will easily enjoy good things, right?
Of course, yes. At least for me.
As I get used to fully using my mind consciously and directing it to a more positive outlook, many other good things — maybe even those that were previously very small and not easily realized — will follow. Just by feeling relieved that something has passed, I can interpret it with deep gratitude. Then I will be able to continue to live side by side with past experiences and, of course, to live with them instead of regretting them.

After understanding how to deal with problems and describing them, I can conclude that living with love — living side by side with love — life and love are one unit — is a very possible thing to build, because it will not just happen. Beginning with the full awareness that you have the power to control your thoughts and feelings about whatever you are facing. Next, get used to bringing thoughts and feelings towards positive things, which here I put into something that can be loved as well.